Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Orange cake | Recipe

In Portuguese

Aqui fica a receita de um bolinho de laranja, super simples e delicioso!! =D

  • 6 ovos
  • 1.5 caneca de farinha (Doves Farm Self Raising)
  • 1.5 caneca de açúcar
  • 0.5 caneca de óleo
  • Sumo de 2 laranjas 
  • Raspa de 1 laranja
  • 2 colheres de chá de fermento
  • 1 colher de chá de canela em pó
  • Calda de laranja: Sumo de 2 laranjas + 2 colheres de sopa de açúcar
  • Bater bem as gemas dos ovos com o açúcar, canela e o sumo de laranja até ficar cremoso;
  • Juntar o óleo e bater de novo até ficar bem incorporado;
  •  Juntar a raspa de laranja, a farinha e o fermento. Mexer bem até a massa começar a formar bolhinhas
  • Bater as claras em castelo e adicionar à mistura. NOTA: Envolver apenas, não bater!
  •  Untar a forma com manteiga e porvilhar com farinha;
  • Levar ao forno pré-aquecido a 180ºC durante +/- 40 minutos.
  • Depois de cozido preparar a calda de laranja. Juntar ao sumo das laranjas o açúcar e levar ao fogão. Deixar levantar fervura durante 1 - 2 minutos.
  • Furar o bolo com um garfo e adicionar a calda.
In English

Here it is the recipe of an orange cake, super simple and soooo delicious!!!!


  • 6 eggs
  • 1.5 mug of flour (Doves Farm Self Raising)
  • 1.5 mug of sugar
  • 0.5 mug of sunflower oil
  • Juice from 2 oranges
  • Zest from 1orange
  • 1 dessert spoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 dstspn of baking powder
  • Orange syrup: Juice from 2 oranges and 2 soup spoons of sugar

  1. Add the sugar, then the cinnamon, egg yolks and stir very well until it gets creamy;
  2.  Add the sunflower oil and mix it very well;
  3. Add the orange zest, the flour and the baking powder. Mix very well until the dough starts forming bubbles;
  4. Whisk the egg whites and add it. NOTE: Mix it very gently!!
  5.  Grease the cake form with butter and sprinkle it with flour;
  6.  Add the dough into the cake form and put it into the preheated oven at 180ºC  for +/- 40 minutes (the duration depends on the ovens - always have a look!! ;) )
  7. After that, prepare the orange syrup. Mix the orange juice with the sugar and let it boil for 1-2 minutes.
  8. Pierce the cake with the help of a fork and add the orange syrup.